Jimmy Malone is co-host of the Lanigan, Webster and Malone Show, on the air Monday thru Friday from 5:30 am to10:00 am. Jimmy's special features include "Knuckleheads in the News," "Tuesday Trivia" and "I.Q. Test." His Awards of Recognition include Radio and TV Council Student's Broadcaster of the Year and the Shaker Heights Alumni Hall of Fame. His non-profit work includes the Cleveland Scholarship Program, Greater Cleveland Hunger Task Force and Toys For Tots. Jimmy Malone has only worked for one radio station, WMJI, but when you work for the Number One Morning Show in Cleveland, where else can you go? A Cleveland native, Jimmy started out part-time on the Lanigan and Webster show with the popular feature, "Knuckleheads in the News," and in 1991, the Lanigan, Webster, and Malone show came into existence. |
sometimes because I work with Lanigan." E-Mail me at malone@wmji.com |